Healthy sea turtles can crawl ashore to nest (at night) and bask (night and day), but sometimes they crawl ashore if they're injured or sick. Sometimes it's difficult to assess the differences between these events, so it's best to call the
NOAA Sea Turtle Stranding Network:
Want to get involved? Please contact us to make a difference!
The statewide marine animal response hotline is
(888)256-9840, which will then allow you to choose the island and animal that needs help (please listen to the directory, as numbers may have changed).
It is illegal to harm, harass, injure, pursue, or kill sea turtles and other protected species.
If you witness any of these actions, please call The NOAA Office of Law Enforcement (OLE hotline numbers above) or the Division of Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE):
There's an app for that! It's easy: DLNR Tip.
2016 Press Release, "Respect Our Sea Turtles":